“Pay peanut, get monkey” Do you familiar with this quotes?
A company can get a low pay employee to do a job, but don’t expect a high quality result.
Actually, the salaries in my company is not bad, many people say it is above average if we add other benefits beside money. For example: the 8 to 5 working hour, rarely overtime, internet access, no fierce competition among co worker, etc.
What I learned after working for several companies is this, if the company doesn’t have the accurate tools to measure your performance, it is better to negotiate the salary as high as possible on the first time. It is because later you cannot be sure how you can climb the corporate ladder or get a salary raise, so better to get what you want from the start.
There are some big companies that still don’t have a KPI for every position. In this case, when doing the performance analysis for employee they tend to be subjective or they measure the ‘wrong’ KPI, like lateness, absence report, etc.
How can you perform, if the only measure for your salaries future is the absence report? That’s why you must put everything in early salary negotiation.
A company can get a low pay employee to do a job, but don’t expect a high quality result.
Actually, the salaries in my company is not bad, many people say it is above average if we add other benefits beside money. For example: the 8 to 5 working hour, rarely overtime, internet access, no fierce competition among co worker, etc.
What I learned after working for several companies is this, if the company doesn’t have the accurate tools to measure your performance, it is better to negotiate the salary as high as possible on the first time. It is because later you cannot be sure how you can climb the corporate ladder or get a salary raise, so better to get what you want from the start.
There are some big companies that still don’t have a KPI for every position. In this case, when doing the performance analysis for employee they tend to be subjective or they measure the ‘wrong’ KPI, like lateness, absence report, etc.
How can you perform, if the only measure for your salaries future is the absence report? That’s why you must put everything in early salary negotiation.